Resolution Options

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Individuals subject to gender and sex-based harassment and/or sexual misconduct have access to resources and supportive measures even if they do not file a formal complaint, the respondent is not a member of the Keuka College community, or the name of the respondent is unknown. 

Supportive measures are intended to address the immediate and ongoing effects of the covered harassment of this policy to prevent further harm and violations. Supportive measures are non-conduct action and non-punitive. Supportive measures could include, but are not limited to:  

  • Counseling
  • Extension of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modifications of work or class schedule 
  • Campus escort services
  • Restrictions on contact between the parties (no-contact orders)
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • Leave of absence
  • Increased security and monitoring or certain areas around campus

Resolution Options

Resolution Options

Option 1: Have no process

Option 2: Information Resolution

A voluntary process for the respondent to participate that may include, but is not limited to, education, restorative justice, or a mutual agreement. Upon successful completion, the case is considered closed. 

Option 3: Formal Process

This process will include a formal investigation by a College-appointed investigator. Upon completion of this investigation, the Community Standards Hearing and Appeal Panel will determine findings of violations of the College Code of Conduct. If a finding of responsibility has been identified, based on a preponderance of evidence, conduct sanctions will be given to the respondent and placed on the community standards record. 

For all of these options, the complainant may select to utilize resources and campus supportive measures including, but not limited to, academic and housing accommodations, as well as a no-contact order.