At Keuka College

You're a First-Year Keuka College Student...

What does that mean?

Welcome, first-year Keukonians! Our First-Year Experience (FYE) Program assists new students in making the transition to life at Keuka College. Through a wide variety of opportunities and support services, members of the Faculty and Staff work together with upper-level students to ensure first-year students become successful members of the Keuka College Community. 


The FYE Program is dedicated to equipping all first-year students with the skills, tools, and knowledge to support their transition to Keuka College. It will guide you through building your academic and transitional skills. It will show you how to get involved on campus and discover your place as an active member of the community. It will provide you with a broader and deeper sense of direction and engagement through your degree and course progress. And it will introduce and instill in you the vision and values that make Keuka College the special and supporting institution it is.  

Our Mission, Vision, and Values:

They guide everything we do:

They guide every strategic, operational, and managerial decision, and are also the unifying driving forces as reflected in every educational policy and budget development.

Keuka College believes there is no substitute for the emotional maturation, social development, and increased self-sufficiency that takes place through the college experience.


To create exemplary citizens and leaders to serve the nation and the world.


To bring strength to our nation and help to humanity.

We honor our shared values by holding ourselves and each other accountable to:



Create a strong sense of community.



Engage with curiosity.



Thoughtful use of our resources, including ourselves.



Open doors to opportunity.


Student success

The success of each and every student is prioritized.


Learn more about our Mission, Vision, and Values!

Program Goals:

As a result of the advising program, students will:

  • Make use of referrals to campus resources as needed, including both academic and non-academic resources
  • Explain, in their own words, the importance of the General Education requirements and their relationship to their academic program and professional goals
  • Explore leadership, community engagement, and volunteer opportunities available to them 
  • Design Field Period® courses that connect academic learning to real world experiences and enhance their knowledge and skills
  • Explore career goals related to their personal interests and proposed area of study 
  • Demonstrate the ability to use electronic advising and planning tools to create an appropriate educational plan, select courses each semester, and track degree progress 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the course loads and major/degree requirements necessary for timely progress toward their degree
  • Demonstrate effective critical thinking, problem-solving, and goal-setting skills when making choices about their education and take responsibility for their decisions



The FYE Program at Keuka College influences every aspect of your life on campus. From academic support to student housing options to Field Period® explorations to extracurricular opportunities to basics like dining, health and counseling, IT, and financial aid, FYE is an all-encompassing initiative that supports you, directs you, and promotes your success. The College experience is about more than progressing academically. FYE ensure your time at Keuka College will propel your growth not only as a student and a scholar, but as an engaged, creative, confident individual. 

KC 101

Practicing Academic Culture @Keuka  is the foundation of the General Education program and introduces first-year students to Keuka College’s signature emphasis on experiential education, integrated learning, and rigorous academic study.


New Student Orientation (Wolf Week)

Going to college is a big step, and it can feel overwhelming. You have a lot of questions and are not sure where to find an answer. But don’t worry. We’ll help you navigate your way before classes even begin.


The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) is a comprehensive academic support program for New York State residents and first-time college students, allowing you to successfully earn your undergraduate degree.

Field Period®

The Keuka College Field Period® internship provides students the opportunity to link academic learning with hands-on experiences.


Academic Advising

As a new student to Keuka College, you will be assigned a faculty advisor who will help you throughout your academic career, from orientation to graduation.  Quality academic advising is important at Keuka College.

Life on Campus

Keuka College believes that the development of its students centers around the opportunity to participate in an on-campus community, first and foremost. Living on campus is a major part of the College experience, especially during your first year.