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Field Period®
of recent graduates are either working full-time or in graduate school.
of alumni say that Field Period® was important in assisting with their career development.
of employers with Field Period® students said they would recommend Field Period to other employers.
of those who indicated they used Career Services said they were well prepared for the job search process.
Keuka Magic Here
Wondering what it's really like at Keuka College? We could tell you what it's like here (well, not "here" as in... our living rooms... but the campus), but we thought you'd rather hear from real, live students.
Life @ KC
Your Life At KC!
Life at Keuka College isn’t just about what you learn in the classroom. It’s about making new friends, experiencing new adventures, and discovering new passions. From Esports to Art Club to Drama Club, Keuka College has dozens of clubs and organizations that will give you the chance to try out your leadership skills and enjoy fun activities (backpacking or kayaking anyone?). And if you already have something you love but don’t see a club for, start a new club and share it with your new friends!
Follow us @LifeAtKC and @KeukaRec on Facebook and Twitter to get a taste of all the great extracurricular opportunities Keuka College students immerse themselves in throughout the year, as well as cool events and amazing traditions. And get ready to have some fun!